Sunday, 25 March 2012

Salvestrol Based Anticancer Diet

In order to get the best from an anticancer diet it is important to optimise the intake of salvestrols. These are natural anticancer compounds that are present in fruits and vegetables commonly found in a vegetarian diet. The digestion and absorption of salvestrols from the diet requires a healthy digestive system. This is why it is better to be completely vegetarian so that you have a healthy vegetarian digestive tract. The salvestrols in the diet are bound to sugar molecules known as sugar conjugates. These are broken down in the digestive tract by the gur microflora which feed off them to release the free salvestrol which is absorbed by the intestine. If there are high levels of sugar in the diet the gut microflora will feed off the sugar and not the sugar conjugates. With a high sugar diet the salvestrol sugar conjugates will pass through the body unabsorbed. It is only when the sugar levels are low that the gut microflora feed off the salvestrol sugar conjugates to release the free salvestrol. The free salvestrol is then readily absorbed by the intestine to enter the bloodstream. So for optimum absorption of salvestrols from the diet it is best to avoid added sugar in the diet. So if you are juicing to get fruit or vegetable extracts you should not add any sugar to sweeten it, but drink it as it is. My dietary recommendations are summarised below:

The Green and Red Diet
Professor Potter’s dietary recommendations:
Primarily have a vegetarian diet including fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Following this advice, and being selective about both the type and quality of produce you consume will help to maximise your dietary intake of the important salvestrols. Wherever possible eat organic. This is the easily remembered ‘Green and Red’ diet, where the savoury course includes the green vegetables and herbs, and the dessert course includes the red fruits. It is no accident that as a species we prefer to eat savoury foods first and sweet foods after. This preference has evolved, we believe, to maximise the absorption and activation of vital nutrients, such as salvestrols.
For the savoury course the vegetables should be cooked as lightly as possible, and the goodness retained in the food. For example, if vegetables are boiled use the water from this to make gravy or sauces. Roasting whole vegetables is also a good way of retaining the plants goodness.

The fruits and vegetables with the highest salvestrol contents are listed below:
Vegetables: All "Greens", including:
Broccoli, cabbages, kales, savoy, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi, chinese leaf, spinach, chard, watercress, green beans, broad beans, garden peas.
As well as artichokes (globe), red & yellow peppers, beansprouts, celery, salad rocket, avocado, pumpkins, squashes, marrows.

Root Vegetables:
Carrots, parsnip, turnip, jerusalem artichokes.

parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, basil, mint.

Fruits: All Red fruits:
(grapes, blackcurrants, redcurrants, blackberries, mulberries, cranberries, bilberries).
As well as apples, pears, cherries, plums, apricots, pineapples, mangoes, tangerines.

This dietary advice is for those wishing to use their diet as the sole source of salvestrols. If you take salvestrol supplements you do not need to make any other dietary changes since these are designed to be readily absorbed.

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